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Dedicated time for this baby

by Elise Bowerman

Welcoming Jaime K. who attended Prenatal Yoga with Elise Bowerman at Livonia Yoga Center with both of her pregnancies, and Jess Duffy at Northville Yoga Center.

How many weeks pregnant are you?

This is baby #2, and we are 27 weeks along.

What keeps you coming back week after week to Prenatal Yoga?

"This is my designated time to just focus and connect with this baby. My toddler consumes a lot of my time and energy, but Prenatal Yoga gives me the opportunity to concentrate on the baby I'm growing."

Did you practice yoga before attending Prenatal Yoga? 

Dedicated time for this baby - Birth Humanity - Southeast Michigan Prenatal Yoga, Postnatal Yoga - Jaime_content

"I've been practicing yoga for about 11 years, and did Prenatal Yoga with my first pregnancy, as well."

Hindsight and personal experience help us open to new ideas. What is one piece of advice you'd like to gift another momma? 

"It can be hard to do in our crazy, hectic lives, but try to be as present as possible with your child(ren). Put the phone down, turn off the TV, and stop any distractions that are keeping you from being in the moment with your kiddo. When I get home from work I have a rule that I won't bring out my phone until after my son goes to bed, so I can truly enjoy those few hours with him in the evening."

As you prepare to welcome baby earth-side, what are you looking forward to most?

"I am really looking forward to those precious moments of just mama and baby time while I am home on maternity leave. When everyone else is gone for the day, it's just you and baby, and your only expectation for the day is to love on baby."


Thank you for sharing your experiences of motherhood and this pregnancy, Jaime!

As a prenatal chiropractor, I have worked closely with Elise and many of her prenatal yoga students in the past 2 years. I consistently find that the women under my care that are also attending regular prenatal yoga classes with Elise experience less discomfort in their pregnancy, report stronger emotional connections to their bodies, and they consistently state they feel better prepared for labor and delivery. If you are looking for a way to safely exercise but also want a beautiful way to connect with your body prior to delivery seek out classes with Sweet Momma Yoga. Lastly, Elise goes above and beyond to create a sense of community for her students. She has created a thriving group of moms that support one another outside of the classes and virtually. - Kelsi McClure, DC, Lone Tree CO
I’ve participated in Sweet Momma Yoga during both of my pregnancies and have benefited each time. Even on days when I feel tired and just wanted to put my feet up, I always felt better after class knowing that I am taking the best care of myself and my baby. Elise does an amazing job of making all of the moms feel welcome and comfortable no matter what previous yoga experience they’ve had. I got more out of Sweet Momma Yoga than I ever expected, benefiting both my pregnancy and birthing experiences. I would recommend to any expecting momma! - Deirdre L., Livonia MI